Sunday, February 18, 2018

My first post

I am a 44 year old stay at home mom to two teenagers. Kate is 15 (16 in April,) and Abby is 13. I do a lot of shuttling kids from one activity to another. When I am not playing personal Uber driver, my passion is fostering cats and kittens from Safe Harbor Humane Society in Kenosha. I typically work with orphan kittens, mom cats and their litters, and cats who need to learn social skills before being adopted. I also take sick/injured cats and cats that are considered to be "hospice" cases. My friend, Lori, and I are working to TNR cats from a local feral colony.

My house is never perfectly clean and my laundry pile is typically enormous!

I love to travel! My favorite destination includes a beach and sunshine. I am not picky about where that is. I love to park myself on a lounge chair and read.

I have a Bachelors Degree in English Education from Illinois State University, and was a middle school teacher before taking an extended leave of absence when Kate was born. I am still passionate about education and child-related current events and debates.

I hope to use this blog to share my current and past foster cats, as well as give my thoughts on things that are happening in the world. I have never had a blog before, so we will see how I do!